Is Investment Advisory Fees Tax Deductible In 2022?

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Introduction There has been a lot of confusion around the topic of Investment Advisory fees. Many people wonder whether they are eligible for Investment Advisory fees deduction or not. Well, if you also have these questions, you’re on the right page. This article will guide you on whether Investment Advisory Fees are tax-deductible or not, […]

Is Alphabet Inc A Good Investment? – Should You Buy Or Not?

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Introduction Alphabet, better known as Google’s parent company, has had a lot of success in the last decade. But is Alphabet Inc a good investment in 2022? Will Alphabet stock go up or not? Well, you’ll get your answers here. This article will guide you through the fundamentals of Alphabet Inc, the pros and cons […]

How To Do A Comparable Company Analysis? – A Detailed Guide

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Introduction ​When it comes to analyzing a company, one of the most commonly used methods is using comparable company analysis. This method helps in comparing a company with a benchmark and this helps in identifying the areas where the company is doing well and those where there is room for improvement. But, many times, people […]

Best Cheap Cryptocurrency To Invest In 2022

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Introduction : It’s hard to pick the best cheap cryptocurrency to invest in 2022. There is a lot of new investors who are entering the first cryptocurrency market. If you are one of them, it is also important for you to look out for the best cheap cryptocurrency to invest in. To make it easy […]

How To Write A Financial Statement Analysis Report?

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Introduction If you want someone to invest in your company, you should know how to write a financial statement analysis report? But, what is Financial Statement Analysis? Why do we need to prepare the financial statement analysis report? Well, the good part is that you don’t need to worry about that. Because you will find […]

Should I Buy Terra Luna Coin? – Is It Worth Investing?

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Introduction In today’s time, there are many stablecoins in the market, among them is Terra Luna. But, the question arises, should I buy Terra Luna? Is Terra coin a good investment? Well, you’re on the right path. This article will give you a detailed guide about the Terra ecosystem, answer your question of whether Terra […]

Volkswagen Annual Reports- A Detailed Analysis

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Introduction You all might have heard about Volkswagen cars like Porsche, Lamborgini, and Audi. But, do you know the success story of Volkswagen? How much are the Volkswagen sales revenues in 2021? Well, this article will answer all your questions. This article will guide you through the detailed financial analysis of Volkswagen annual reports, the […]

How To Calculate The WACC Using Excel – Step By Step Guide

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Introduction Earlier, calculating WACC in excel was kind of a tough job. There is confusion among business owners, analysts, and even professional investors on how to calculate it. But, after reading this article, you will find it pretty easy. This article will explain the meaning of Wacc definition in finance and how to calculate WACC […]

How To Find The Terminal Value Of Companies? – Complete Guide

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Introduction Finding terminal value is an important element of the DCF model. But, many analysts find it difficult to find the terminal value. Well, we have made it easy for you. This article will guide you through the 5 easy steps of terminal value calculation, along with that we have also given an example of […]

Mckesson Case Study – Overview, Analysis And Business Model

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Introduction Mckesson case study is an ongoing tool for investors and researchers in the pharma sector. But, do you know about the Mckesson and Robbin scandal that shocked the whole nation? Well, you have landed on the right page.  Here is a Mckesson case study that analyses the business model and how it has performed […]